Melanoma spread

Are there any treatments available for a tumour on my wifes brain which  seems to have spread from melanomas on her leg and face.  The leg and face ones have been successfull removed.   We are being told they can;t operate and  there is nothing else they can do,          Are there any trials she could get involved in or we would even consider private treatment home or abroad......Thanks

  • Hi Jasmick and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn of your wife's situation, this must be a difficult time for you both.

    As a cancer information nurse not involved in your wife's care, we cannot provide a medical opinion or recommend treatments. You may have seen this already, on our website we have information about treatment for advanced melanoma.

    Sometimes in this situation, it can be helpful to ask for a second opinion. This can help to confirm what your wife has been told about treatment or further treatment may be suggested. This is something that can be arranged by your wife's specialist or GP.

    We also have information about taking part in trials and a clinical trials database on our website, which you can look at. This lists the trials that we are aware of and have permission to put on the website. You can also filter the search specifically for melanoma trials.

    Although our contact details are included on the website, the information nurses are not directly involved in running these trials or recruiting patients onto a clinical trial.

    Patients who wish to take part in almost all clinical trials must have a medical referral from their doctor to the doctor running the trial. If there is a trial on our database that your wife is interested in, she will need to discuss it with her own doctor or cancer specialist.

    All trials have very strict entry requirements. So she must match these to be able to take part. If it looks like an appropriate trial, her doctor can then send a referral to the doctor running the trial at the nearest participating centre.

    It may also be worth contacting Melanoma Focus they have a confidential helpline run by skin cancer nurses. They have also set up a trial finder to help people with melanoma find trials.

    I hope this helps in some way. You would be welcome to give our nurses a call if you would to talk things through. The number to ring is 0808 800 4040 and is open between 9 am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thanks Jemma,       

     I read a report that Jimmy Carter (ex president USA) had a similar melanoma , which had spread to his brain,  treaded by  radio therapy and immune therapy .    His treatment was 9 years ago and very successful.   I think I will ask our GP about a second opinion regarding this possible treatment.     Thanks for you good advice, it's comforting to know we have people like you to talk to

    Thanks so much


  • Offline in reply to jasmick


    I'm sorry to hear about your wife's melanoma. Jemma has given you great links to look at. I also agree with getting a second opinion, especially from a hospital that is a Centre of Excellence for melanoma. I will send you a friend request - if you accept it I can pm you some information that you may find helpful. Take care,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Offline in reply to AngieT

    Thanks Angie,     Great to have people like you to call on.   I don’t seem to make be able to make friends with you on Facebook. Thanks for your help.  Jimmy

  • Offline in reply to jasmick

    No, I don't mean friends on FB, I mean I've sent you a friend request on this Cancer Chat site. If you click on the bell icon at the top of the page it should show you have a notification of a friend request. If you click to accept I can then send you a message.