Chest X ray done last week Wednesday. GP has put in a telephone appointment for 30th of September for a review meeting. Scared.

Hi kind people,

I had some lingering cough that showed up when I laughed, or did anything physically strenuous. No mucus, no weighloss nor loss of apetite. Got a GP appointment and the doc immediately referred me to an xray the very same day. This was last week Wednesday. The GP didn't tell me what would be the next steps. I now saw on my NHS app , a telephone appointment has been booked for 30th of September with another GP. I called the surgery and they couldn't give me more details. They say it days on my chart its a review meeting via phone. I am now very anxious and couldn't sleep at all. Its a long wait untill the 30th. If it was something sinister, I hope they would call me immediately and not wait for 4 weeks or so. Or does it mean its an approproximate date since they themselves haven't received the report yet. I am panicking and overthinking. What were your personal experiences? Can someone shed some light? 

Thank you.

  • Hello Miamiklo and thanks for the post

    It can be worrying awaiting test results when experiencing symptoms so I can see how this must be an anxious time for you.

    Unfortunately there is no way of anyone here knowing what the appointment you have at the end of the month will reveal.

    You could call the surgery again to ask if the xray report is in. If it isn't then the doctor may have asked in advance for a follow up to discuss the results once they are in. If they are back then you could ask if it is possible to have an appointment sooner and explain how this is all playing on your mind.

    Usually if and when a result comes back with something sinister picked up that needs further investigation the doctor would notify you of this quite quickly. They would then be referring you to the hospital possibly under a suspected cancer pathway where you should again be seen within a couple of weeks.

    Please try and speak with the surgery again when you can but try not to over think things until you have all the facts about what may be going on. Do bear in mind that symptoms can be caused by so many different things and most won't be the result of cancer.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything will be okay for you.

    Take care


  • Thank you very much Naomi. I called the surgery and asked about my results. They read out to me the doctors notes and it mentioned about received antibiotics and a follow up xray after 6 weeks. Then I received a text message from the GP mentioning this :

    'You have a new antibiotic prescription to collect from your usual pharmacy to use if your cough is not yet better. I have requested a repeat chest xray for you in 6 weeks, as advised by the xray report. Please book a face to face GP appointment if worse/unwell. Thank you.'

    Still I am not sure what my xray is advising and should I take antibiotics if I dont have the bad cough anymore. Called GP surgery again and the next appointment they have is the 10th of October:(

    All i want is to know what the radiologist has told to my GP regarding my report, so I can have some peace of mind.

  • Hi there again and thanks for the update

    I am sorry to hear you still don't really have any clearer answers from the x-ray report. Unfortunately we can't really interpret what the doctors message was trying to say. 

    If the cough has now settled that is a good thing and something to feel positive about. The message seemed to suggest to only take the antibiotics if the cough was ongoing, which it isn't so this shouldn't be needed.

    Even if something unusual had been picked up on the x-ray which happens fairly frequently, there are many causes for this. A recent or even past infection can show up shadows or unclear areas around the lungs. As and when this happens they often like to repeat the x-ray several weeks later to check again. If of course something more sinister is seen they will arrange further tests and scan much sooner.

    As I say we can't say what is going on for you. If this continues to play on your mind do call the surgery again to see if they can read out the report on the phone that may be able to put your mind at ease.

    Also don't forget the GP has said to arrange a face to face appointment if the symptoms do worsen or you feel unwell.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best
