
Hi - I’ve had lots of symptoms which has resulted in CT Scan, ultrasounds, blood test, camera down the throat, FIT test …

All normal except CA125 in July was 41, and small polys biopsied (all normal).

This has been going on for 5 years.

I had another ultrasound which was normal but the GP has referred me to gynaecologist under ‘suspected gynaecology cancer’ label.

I know it’ll be too hard say but would a transvaginal ultrasound have picked anything up … she checked all areas

I’ve tied myself in knots. 
I’m 42 and been told that CA125 level 41 is a normal (but yes elevated) level.

Any words of wisdom ver much appreciated.

Thank you 

  • Hello Am18 and thanks for the post

    I am very sorry to hear about the ongoing symptoms you have been having over the past few years. It sounds like you have had various tests and investigations but are still to get answers about what the issue may be.

    Unfortunately no one here can say what may be going on and because symptoms can be caused by many different things. Most causes won't be as serious as a cancer but it can take time and a series of tests in order for doctors to be able to work out what the matter is.

    It sounds like your GP has drawn a blank which is why they are now referring you to a gynaecologist. They will be able to assess you, maybe run further tests and give their opinion. Whilst you have been referred on a suspected cancer pathway, most people won't go on to be diagnosed with cancer, however this is the quickest way you will be seen.

    As I am sure you are aware a ca125 measures inflammation in the pelvic region. This can be caused by many different conditions as well as simple things like a period. If the ultrasound so far hasn't picked up anything abnormal so far, this is a good sign.

    For now try not to worry, instead keep yourself busy and your mind on other things until your appointment, where hopefully your mind can be put at ease.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care
