How long do appointments take

I am waiting to go to dermatology at hospital for 7 moles that are irregular shape bleed and are crusty how long do you have to wait is it not best to catch these early also under my arms feel funny and seem to be getting flabby is this connected to my moles 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    You asked about waiting times. The dermatology department at the hospital reviews all new referrals and places them in order of priority to be seen. Suspected non melanoma skin cancers, (which are far more common), are not classed as urgent as melanomas. Non melanoma skin cancers are usually treated successfully by surgery. 

    Dermatology appointments vary according to region. Some people may wait a number of months to be seen. You would have to ring the appointments department at the hospital to enquire about likely waiting times. I don't think your flabby arms and other symptom is related to your moles. Do ask your GP if you are worried about any symptoms. 

    Best wishes,
