Why can’t I have a double mastectomy

I had a mastectomy in 2017 for high grade DCIS.. I was advised to have a mastectomy - at the time I asked for a double mastectomy but was told no as the other side was fine. I offered to pay private but was also told no

i had reconstructive surgery - implant. This was painful, tight and u comfortable and then it ruptured. I had to wait 4 year for it to be replaced. 

since the replacement the pain is the same and the nurses believe a capsule has formed again (awaiting doctors appointment)

my question is why can I not have the other side removed - this would mean no more mammograms, no more surgery’s, no more painful implants. 

Celebrities can have this done, people can have preventative surgery without even having it and people changing gender can have them removed. 

this is really affecting me and my quality of life 

  • Hello Sally and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about the difficulties you've faced with your reconstructive surgery and in trying to have your other breast removed. It sounds incredibly frustrating especially as you say it's affecting your quality of life.

    Doctors often follow specific guidelines and recommendations based on your individual risk of developing cancer in your other breast. If  they assess your risk as low, for instance, if you don't have a genetic predisposition like a BRCA fault, they may believe that having a preventative mastectomy isn't medically necessary.

    I'm not sure if the NHS would fund surgery that would be thought as cosmetic/appearance changing for psychological reasons but there is certainly no harm in asking your surgical team, perhaps your breast care nurse can find this out on your behalf.

    It may also help to talk over your concerns and ask for some additional support to explore your feelings. Your GP may also be able to help with this. 

    I hope this reply helps a little. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Sally 1234, I am due to have a mastectomy with reconstruction next month and also asked if I could have a double. I was told they are not allowed to remove a healthy breast, even though they'll be reducing that side to match the other. I was hoping by removing both, I wouldn't have the worry of cancer returning at some point in the other breast. As you say some people have doubles for genetic reasons, as a preventative. I consider my preference for a double is also for preventative reasons, but am not allowed this choice. It seems rather unfair to me, as you have to live with anxiety moving forward. Sorry to hear that you are still in pain and I hope you get it sorted soon. Xx