Daughter has Breast Cancer which has spread to bones

My 38 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April and underwent a double mastectomy in May. She then had a pet scan which showed cancer in her breast bone and hip bone. She is now on Chemotherapy Tablets twice a day and hormone injections each month. Please can you advise me if this is cureable?  My daughter is extremely positive which is amazing, but as a mum, I want to be prepared in case the chemotherapy doesn’t work. She lives in Tenerife so 2000 miles from me which makes it very difficult. I am trying to be as positive as possible but have severe doubts as they said she had an Old Womans aggressive cancer. Very unusual in someone of 38. 

  • Hi Sholesy and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that your daughter has breast cancer this must be very difficult, especially with her living in another country.

    A person's outcome depends on several things such as; how far the cancer has spread and how fast-growing it is (stage and grade), the type of breast cancer, how well a person responds to treatment, and how fit they are generally (whether or not they have other health conditions).

    When breast cancer has spread to the bones this is known as secondary (metastatic) breast cancer. Although in this situation the cancer cannot be cured, it is still treatable and can be managed for a long time depending on the individual situation. Treatment aims to control and slow down the growth of the cancer, as well as treat any symptoms such as pain.

    People will often ask about prognosis (a person's outlook) but this is difficult to predict as each person's case is different even a doctor with lots of experience cannot say what a person's outcome will be. With breast cancer treatments improving people are living longer after their diagnosis.

    I realise the information I have given may be difficult to read, and there is a lot of uncertainty, but I hope this helps in some way. If you would like to talk things through with one of our nurses you would be welcome to contact us by calling our helpline on 0808 800 4040 Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

    Take care,


  • Hi Jemma.

    Thanks for your response.  In my head I think that is what I thought but in my heart I was hoping for something more positive.  I am a realist but optimistic. 

    Thanks for your honesty