sick with worry post menopause bleeding

I am so worried

I have been on hrt for 3 years and have bled (very small amounts spotting)    every 3 months      (I'm 54)

I just ignored it thinking it was normal as 

a few weeks ago I missed a dose as I ran out of the progesterone tablet and I bled for 2 days

I went for a pelvic ultrasound, who said my endometrium was 7mm and there was an irregular fluid (possibly a polyp) , she also said there was blood there, but I didn't think anything of it 

But now I have googled the ultrasound pictures,     blood is bad 

I'm so scared. I can't think straight

  • Hi Ronderon, thank you for posting.

    Waiting for tests and test results can be an anxious and stressful time.

    Although the pictures may look the same as a report on the internet, only a doctor who has read the report fully can say what the ultrasound shows and whether further tests are necessary.  It is good for looking at soft tissue and is a good way to tell fluid-filled cysts from a solid tumour as well as looking at blood flow through blood vessels.  However, although it can pick up abnormalities an ultrasound cannot diagnose cancer on its own, further tests would be needed such as a biopsy (cells are removed and looked at under a microscope).

    I can appreciate you are worried, and I know people will commonly search for answers on the internet but you are not going to be able to make a diagnosis this way and it can also heighten anxiety.

    Easier said than done try not to overthink things and perhaps avoid looking at the internet if you can. The best person to discuss your concerns with would be your GP, as hopefully they will have been sent all the information.  I hope you can speak to someone soon about your scan and have a clearer picture of what might be causing the bleeding.

    Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care 
