Check scan

Hello, I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer after a mammogram finding the lump myself in June 23.   In July 23 I had a CT scan, and in August 23 I had a mastectomy and an axilliary clearance.  It was in 4 out of 9 lymph nodes.    I have since he chemo and radiation.   I finished in March.    I tried unsuccessfully abemaciclib for 2 months.    I last seen my oncologist then and he has referred me back to the original doctor who diagnosed me.    He is very busy and the appointments are not to next year.    I was wondering when I should get another CT scan as it has now been over a year since I was last checked.  I don’t have symptoms but still worry about I also had breast cancer in 1999.  Thank you 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about your situation. It sounds like you have been through a lot with your treatment, and it's understandable to feel worried about recurrence, especially since you've had breast cancer before.

    You won’t usually have other routine scans such as a CT scan unless you report any symptoms that need checking. Several large studies have shown having regular scans when there are no symptoms is not useful in finding recurrence any earlier.

    Some people may be offered scans to check their bone strength. This is because some treatments for breast cancer, such as hormone therapy and chemotherapy, can affect the bones and increase the risk of developing osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).

    You may find it helpful to discuss this further with your breast care nurse. You often have to call and leave them a message and they will get back to you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
