FIT and Calprotectin


I am awaiting a colonoscopy. I had watery diarrhoea with lots of blood for 3 days, then it stopped abruptly. (2 weeks ago)I have not had bleeding since but have had stomach ache, loose stools and constipation.

My FIT score was over 400 and my calprotectin was 261.

I have been looking on here and now more worried than ever because I have seen many people say that not only is the FIT score high but it is more likely to be colon cancer if the calprotectin is between 200-300.

I had a sigmoidoscopy 4 years ago which showed diverticulosis and colitis. 

Also worried that they missed something by not doing a colonoscopy.

Please help.

  • Hello Tilly123456 and thanks for your post,

    I can understand how unsettling it can be waiting for your colonoscopy. Every case is so different so try if you can not to read other peoples stories and compare them to yours.

    Try also not to think back about your past sigmoidoscopy and wonder whether you should have had a colonoscopy. I am sure that your doctors felt that that was the best test for you at the time.

    It is only when they do the colonoscopy and visually assess your bowel and perhaps take some biopsies will they be able to help find out the cause of your symptoms.

    Try and keep busy and your mind on other things so you don't dwell on it all whilst you are waiting.

    Do stay away from google which is so general and won't help diagnose you.

    I do hope that you know more soon.

    If you would like to chat through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to call us. The number to ring  is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
