High Alpha fetoprotein level

Just to clarify, i have not been diagnosed wih anything, but i have been back and forth to the doctors over the past few months repeating blood tests.

After yesterdays appointment the doctor informed me i have a high alpha fetoprotein level which is normally found in pregnant women and people recovering from cancer?

I couldn't get a straight answer from her as she kept saying it was "very strange" as you don't normally find this level of fetoprotein anywhere else?

whilst i wait to hear back, ( a phone call bookod for next week after she speaks to someone at the hospital to ask for advise [her words] How worried should i exactly be? she kept mentioning testicular cancer, and now that's all i can think of, because after reading about it, i have other symptoms also related to that :( back pain, ongoing cough, and heavier breathing, which i had previously put down to my asthma..... i didn't sleep a wink last night and got zero work done today, haven't told my wife exactly what the doctor said as she's already dealing wiht her parents having different cancers, it's all a bit too much for me today.

  • Hello Steg79 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the unsettling time waiting to find out the cause of your different symptoms.

    No one can tell you the cause of your raised fetoprotein levels until you have had further tests to try and establish why this particular blood test is raised.

    The GP will be able to speak to other doctors at the hospital to find out the most appropriate scans and or tests that they may need to organise.  Googling does little to help as it is so general and will not be able to tell you why these levels are raised.

    Try and take one step at a time.

    Hopefully you will know more soon.

    If you would like to ring and chat any of this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are very welcome to do so. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
