Help with mouth pain

I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer which had spread to the lymph nodes in my neck. I had chemoradiotherapy and nearly 2 years on I am still suffering with my mouth. I have persistent ulcers which the hospital dentist has said that it's "highly likely" I will develop osteoronecrosis. I can't get through the day without xylocaine spray. The pain team have put me gabapentin 3600mg a day and duloxetine 60mg am 30mg pm. It is still too sore to eat without numbing my mouth first. When will the pain go away. I'm so fed up now 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry about everything you are going through. It sounds incredibly tough and I can appreciate you feel fed up with all the pain and discomfort you are experiencing.

    Unfortunately, healing from chemoradiotherapy can take a long time. Some people experience side effects like mouth sores and pain for months or years after treatment ends. It's also common for nerves and tissues in the mouth to be damaged by radiotherapy which can make recovery even more difficult and painful. The fact that your dentist mentioned the possibility of developing osteonecrosis must add to an already stressful situation.

    I'm afraid we are unable to tell you when the pain will go away as everyone's healing process is different. Pain management can be tricky especially when its nerve related pain but the medication you are taking treats nerve pain. It can take time to work and the pain management team are there to try and find the right combinations of treatment that will try and relieve your pain.

    I wonder if you have a specialist nurse (CNS) involved in your care who may be able to provide you with further support. You often have to call and leave them a message and they will get back to you.  

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
