Ulcerated basal cell carcinoma


I have a wound on my forehead.  It’s located on an old scar I had and so didn’t really think anything of it when it wouldn’t heal and just assumed it was because of damaged scar tissue.  After trying everything to get it to heal with no success, I decided to mention it to the GP whilst there for another unrelated problem. The GP prescribed steroid cream and referred me to see a dermatologist.  I attended a teledermoscopy clinic and had photos and measurements taken.  Two weeks after attending, I received a copy of a letter from the consultant dermatologist to the consultant maxillofacial surgeons marked as urgent.  The letter stated my images were reviewed and it’s revealed a 1cm ulcerated basal cell carcinoma on my right forehead and the consultant would be grateful for the maxillofacial surgical input with this.  With the letter was a letter addressed to me stating the letter was sent for my information, contains technical terms which I may be unfamiliar with and that I will now hear directly from the maxillofacial department in due course.  The first thing I did was to google the above and was shocked to see what basal cell carcinoma is.  I then felt let down by the system for having this information via a letter with no opportunity to be able to ask all the questions that were now going around in my head.  I have no indication of when I will hear from the hospital for an appointment or next steps and no timeline for this which is causing anxiety. The letter was dated 6th August and I received in the post on the 14th August 2024. 

Do you have any indication of what the wait time is for an appointment with the maxillofacial consultant if the letter was marked urgent? I’ve also noticed red spots appearing on my skin mainly lower legs and feet and not something I’ve suffered with previously so don’t know if this is connected or due to stress from the anxiety of waiting etc. Having gone back through photos, I have had this wound for just over two years which I didn’t think it was that long and as mentioned above, didn’t give it the attention it needed as it was on an area of an old scar so feel annoyed with myself that I didn’t get it checked out sooner. 

Thank you x 

  • Hello Aries812 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.

    Hopefully if your appointment was marked urgent you should hear over the next few days. If you haven't heard anything you could try ringing the maxillofacial surgeon's secretary to see when you are likely to hear something.

    The red spots on his legs may not be related at all but hopefully when you see the specialist you will have a chance to discuss this with them.

    I can understand how unsettling it is to wait but hopefully you should know more soon.

    If you would like to chat to one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Thank you so much for the reply. I will try and ring the consultant secretary tomorrow. 

    kind regards,