Help in regards to mental health

My Mum had a Mastectomy on the 31st July and had nodes taken at the same time to be sent off for testing more we're taken than originally discussed, we have been given dates for consultations but these continuously get cancelled her appointment has now been changed until 12th September. The consultation is for the results and further treatment if required and yet it has been deemed acceptable to just keep pushing the date further back. To make matters worse we can never seem to get through to her Macmillan nurses and now we have they believe she has Seroma but can't give her a date to arrange so they'll be calling her back possibly tomorrow. She had told them this was hurting and uncomfortable for weeks yet nobody has done anything and again she is told to wait.

My Mum is a larger lady and has had her left breast removed leaving her with the right which is a mental state of shock as it is and she has been left over a month with no consult and no reassurance no communication and no one to check on her. She is struggling so badly with her mental health and I feel extremely upset to watch such a strong woman be beat down because of the incompetence of the NHS system. We don't know any answers and have had no guidance, we are just sat waiting to find out the results and it's spiralled her into such a negative state of mind.

But where is the support? Who do we go to when we can't even get through to the nurses? What actual resources are there? Who can you complain to? It just seems so very wrong.

Sorry to come across rude but I can't keep watching her suffer mentally I need to find resources to help her.

Thank your for your time 

  • Hello LBre and thank you for posting

    I am so sorry to hear about your mum's situation, it sounds like a very difficult time for you both.

    Please do raise any concerns you have about your mum's care with either the breast care lead nurse or the hospital's Patient Advice Liaison Service PALS department. You should be able to contact these through the hospital or find their contacts on the hospital's website.

    There is emotional support available for patients and most hospitals have a cancer support centre that offers information and psychological support. You can search up your mum's nearest centre on the Macmillan website. Macmillan also in partnership with BUPA offer a short course of counselling for patients who feel they could benefit from this so do take a look at the information about free counselling on their website.

    Maggie centres also provide support for patients and loved one's including emotional and psychological support through a cancer journey. If there isn't a centre near to your mum they offer online or over the phone sessions as well.

    Cancer care map is another good website to search up local cancer support services and smaller charities by postcode for help and support.

    If your mum still hasn't heard back from the nurses in regards to the seroma I would encourage her to call them again and failing that speak with her GP or NHS 111 for advice.

    I really do hope your mum gets some answers and the right support for her at this time.

    Please do pass our details onto your mum in case she would like to speak with us on our helpline and of course she is also welcome to join the cancer chat forum as well. The nurses are here on 0808 800 4040 from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
