
Iv found a mole very dark was wondering if should be worried 

  • Thank you for getting in touch with us here at Cancer Research UK. 

    I'm afraid we aren't able to pass any comment on this. Our standard advice to anyone concerned about a funny looking area of skin, or a mole that has changed recently, is to see their GP.

    GP's are mainly concerned with any recent change in a mole over the last 4 to 6 weeks, or the last few months. 

    You can read about the sorts of changes to look out for in a mole on our website

    As you are concerned and unsure, it might be an idea to arrange an appointment with your GP so they can take a look at this mole and hopefully put your mind at rest.  

    Best wishes,


  • Hello HBW, anything that concerns you and is different ,have it checked out. I have a mole on my back ,it started itching  last year ,I had my GP check it and was referred to dermatologist. All was well . So ,just get it checked for your peace of mind . All the best xxx