Partial Nephrectomy

Hi All, this is very difficult to write so I will just stick to the facts, as I know them. My partner had a partial nephrectomy 2 years ago. Apparently the initial scan showed a cancerous tumour on the kidney, hence kidney removal. I thought a biopsy would have to be carried out on the kidney after the surgery to see if it was a cancerous tumour or not?  I was never told the results of the biopsy or what stage the cancer was at. No treatment was given after the surgery as all the cancer had been removed with the kidney and it hadn't spread anywhere else.

2 years free from cancer and they continue to attend Maggie's Cancer Care unit for support as they have good days and bad days.  I have offered to attend with them but they'd rather go alone. I don't want to appear hurtful, uncaring or cold hearted however I think attending Maggie's is a crutch for attention, sympathy and to prolong the narrative. 

I don't doubt for one minute that there was a tumour on the kidney however I am doubting it being cancerous and/or they had cancer. I should say that I was planning on leaving my partner prior to this however now I feel like they are lying about having cancer and guilt tripping me into staying. 

l lost a parent to cancer and I watched them go through hell with some really tough times. It was a difficult and heartbreaking time and I felt like I was in a surreal bubble. This situation feels totally different and my gut instincts are telling me something isn't right. 

Obviously you can't tell me if they're lying or not but I just wish I could feel differently about this. Having witnessed a parent go through a cancer diagnosis, gruelling treatment and then losing them to cancer, it makes me angry to think anyone would lie about having cancer but deep down I know they are very capable of doing such a thing.

Thank you for allowing me to share here and for listening/reading.


  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read you are feeling this way. It sounds like you are going through a lot of conflicting emotions, especially given your past experience of losing a parent to cancer. It's understandable to feel confused and even suspicious if things don't seem to add up or feel similar to what you have been through before.

    Every cancer case is unique and the experience can vary greatly from person to person. Kidney cancer is often picked  up from scans and surgery is the main treatment. Some people do not need further treatment if the surgery removed all of the cancer and there were no signs of spread.

    Your partner continuing to visit the Maggie's centre could be a way for them to cope with their own feelings and fears. Even when someone has been free from cancer for some time they might still have emotional or mental health challenges to deal with and support like this can be an important part of their recovery.

    As you were considering leaving your relationship before your partner's diagnosis, it's natural to feel  like this situation has complicated things. It may help to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about how you are feeling. You might also find it helpful to contact the organisation Relate. They offer relationship support, Their services include relationship counselling for individuals and couples. The cancer care map lists local support and smaller charities or organisations who also may be able to help.

    Give us a ring if you would to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
