Basal cell carcinoma

My husband has a basal cell carcinoma, it is growing and bleeding quite a lot.

I pushed him to see a doctor and he was referred to a specialist, because it’s near his eye he was again referred.

The next specialist advised they would remove it and use a skin graft to cover.

His case is considered non urgent even though it’s growing and bleeding even more - his doctor sent an letter to try and expedite his operation but warned as it’s not considered urgent it will just continue to spread on his face but it is not life threatening.

This is really impacting my husbands mental health, he wears a hat wherever he goes to cover it and if he has a tour he will put a plaster on so visitors won’t see it.

How do we actually look after this BCC? I can see advice after operation but nothing on how to care for it during the meantime. Is it the same, vaseline and a plaster?

  • Hello L74 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry your husband is having to wait such a long time for his appointment. I would make an appointment with the practice nurse at the surgery and ask if she is able to dress the area and give your husband  advice on what he should apply. It is difficult for us to advise him without actually seeing the wound. 

    If this is difficult to arrange then you could speak to a pharmacist who may be able to advise you on what dressings they have available for him to put on the area. I am not sure that he should be applying Vaseline to an area that is bleeding.

    I do hope that you manage to speak to someone soon.

    If you would like to chat this through with a nurse you are welcome to give us a ring on the helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
