High-Grade Dyskaryosis with ?invasive squamous cell carcinoma.

I have just been for a colposcopy and the doctor sat me down before hand and explained this was what my smear result came back as. I had the LLETZ procedure done and I am unsure what this means, I haven’t had any results back yet it’s only been two weeks but after researching High-Grade Dyskaryosis with ?invasive squamous cell carcinoma I am now uncertain as to what this means. Is it cancer?  Any help would be brill because it’s constantly on my mind. Thank you.

  • Hello Mayrose and thanks for your post,

    I can understand how unsettling it must be for you waiting for results.

    No one will be able to tell you if cancer is present until the pathologist has a chance to look at the cells under a microscope.

    If you are diagnosed with high grade dyskaryosis these are showing changes in the cells but they are not cancer. It is important that these cells are removed which has happened in your case with the LLETZ procedure and now these cells are being examined under a microscope. We have some information on our website about abnormal cervical cells

    When the pathologist examines the cells they are then graded using a term called Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). These are also not cancer.

    There are three grades 1,2 and 3. CIN1 does not normally need treatment. If it is graded as a 2 or 3 you may need further treatment which may include another LLETZ procedure.

    The doctor also mentioned the possibility of it being squamous carcinoma. this can also be very successfully treated.

    I can't say whether this will be the case but try to take one step at a time and don't think too far ahead.

    If you want to talk anything through then do get back to us or give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
