Moving on from cancer

How do we all move forward from cancer 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm not sure what your situation is exactly, but moving forward after cancer treatment is a journey and it can feel uncertain and overwhelming at times.

    Many people worry about the cancer coming back and this is a very natural thought process to go through. It can be triggered by follow up scans or appointments but for some people this fear and anxiety is with them every day and it really can affect a persons quality of life. Maggie's has some information about this on their website.

    When these worries affect someone's everyday living it is important to get the support you need to help you through and to find some coping strategies to manage these thoughts and feelings.

    The NHS's  Every Mind Matters has some resources to help people deal with change and uncertainty that may be useful to take a look at. If you feel you need some professional help then speak with your GP who can refer you for counselling or another type of talking therapy such as cognitive behaviour therapy

    Some patients also find moving forward groups and courses run within cancer support centres such as Macmillan or Maggie's centres helpful to look forward and try and regain a sense of normality. Macmillan and other cancer support centres attached to hospitals run these types of courses as well. 

    I hope this is helpful. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
