Lung cancer returned

So my dad had lung cancer last year stage 2. He had half his lung removed then radiotherapy. We’ve just been told it has came back and is in both lungs. We’re waiting on further scans as they want to check his brain. They said the tumour in his right lung is 1.8cm and one in left lung is less than a cm. What is the likelihood for treatment following this? And is it something I just need to prepare myself for that they can’t help him? I feel like I need information on staging and prognosis to be able to deal with this to help him. Any information would be really appreciated. 

  • Hi Louisefee and thank you for your post.

    I'm sorry to read about your dad’s situation. This must be a difficult time for all the family.

    I can appreciate you want to know more about your dad’s prognosis. But I’m afraid I can't tell you very much, as someone's outlook will depend on several features of their disease, and it is such a hard thing to predict. Prognosis is really a question best answered by your dad’s hospital team.  This is because they are familiar with all his medical details and will know so much more about his individual situation.

    His treatment options will depend on the stage and grade of the cancer. Once his hospital specialist has all the results from biopsies and scans, they will decide on a treatment plan at a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting, where all the different doctors involved in his care will discuss his case.

    Everyone copes with a cancer diagnosis very differently; there is no one right way to deal with it. You may find our supporting someone with cancer page useful to read

    and do remember to look after yourself during this time too.  

    The hospital where your dad is being treated may have a cancer information and support centre, sometimes these are run by the hospital or Macmillan Cancer Support,  or, there may be a  Maggie's Centre where you can go to speak to someone and get some support.  Both these centres may also provide benefits advice .

    Also, your dad may have a specialist nurse  who is part of the medical team caring for him. They provide information and support and will know about any other local help for your dad.

    This is an incredibly difficult time for you, your dad and the family, I hope this information helps.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


    Cancer Information Nurse