Urgent 2 week referral for cervical polyp

Hi everyone!

I’ve had HPV (my last smear was in feb 2023) came back normal with no HPV found, I’ve also have CIN3 removed via LLETZ in 2016 and continued to go to every smear test with normal results. I’ve also had a transvaginal ultrasound done in August 2023 due to endometriosis and overian cycts which came back just confirming cysts and endo nothing else concerning. 

I had very light spotting after sex two days ago which I’ve never had before so contacted my GP and she asked me to go in yesterday, in examination she found a polyp on my cervix and said she wants to refer me and said she doesn’t want me to worry and then explained how they remove them ect. 

As I arrived home from my appointment she called and asked if I could come in for bloods which where CA125, live function and iron. She then said she’s sent the referral and the hospital will be in touch. 

My anxiety has now gone through the roof as I’ve just seen in my nhs notes on the app that I have an urgent 2 week referral for suspected ovarian cancer, she never mentioned this to me at the appointment. 

Can anyone give me any advice on what to expect from the referral appointment and has anyone had a polyp removed for biopsy? I’m just worrying as it seems she has pushed everything through so fast that she suspects cancer.

thanks for reading this far  

  • Hi! I wouldnt worry about the quick referral, that's just what they have to do if any cancer is suspected. Just because your referral is fast it doesnt mean that they think you are seriously ill. That's just how the NHS works now. Unfortunately I cant give you info about having a polyp removed, but I am in the same position. Just been told I have one, along with thickening of the womb lining and so now need further investigation too. I am distracting myself with other things and am glad that the referral will be processed quickly, hopefully.

  • Offline in reply to Podsy


    Thank you for the reply, yeah I’m glad it’s being processed quickly as I wouldn’t want to wait months for results. It was just a shock when i saw the referral. Can I ask how yours was found? Did you have an ultrasound? 

    I really hope everything is ok for you after further investigation and you don’t have to wait too long for your appointments. X 

  • Offline in reply to Jorja17

    Mine was found after a routine cervical smear test. The nurse noticed the polyp and got a doctor to also look. They then referred me for an ultrasound which has also shown up thickening of my womb. So they now want me back for more tests. 

  • Offline in reply to Podsy

    I really hope all your upcoming tests come back good, thanks again for replying I feel a little more calm today x

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I can appreciate your concern so I hope I can offer some reassurance.

    Bleeding after sex can happen and for most people, it does not mean cancer.

    A polyp can cause bleeding and again is very unlikely to be cancer.  While I do not know for sure why your GP has done an urgent referral it does sound like they want to be thorough and to see what can be done about your bleeding.  They may have picked up on your worry too and felt that this needs to be sorted out more quickly.

    Whatever the reason for your referral is I think it is important to know that most people, referred this way will not have cancer. But you may need treatment.

    The NHS has some useful information about bleeding after sex on their website, this will be useful to see.

    I can see you are worried so in the meantime try and carry on as normal, keeping busy can sometimes help to take your mind off worrying about things.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thank you for the reply Caroline, I did contact the number you posted and the nurse I spoke to did say the same as you.

    Thank you again for helping me understand a little more I’m obviously still anxious but feeling a little more calm today. Keeping myself busy until I hear an appointment date.

    Many thanks,
