Bowel cancer test

My husband is 55 years of age and we have asked the GP for a bowel cancer test but he has been told he does not qualify yet . As his rife I am 54 and have already been given a test kit through the GP. How can I arrange for a bowel cancer test kit to be sent to him ?

  • Offline in reply to KJ25

    Not sure i am not allowed to have one because i have a build of water which they are investigating, i am either going to be stuck with a stoma for life or it will heal and i might be able to have one , i think the first couple of weeks are rough from what i have read about but then it starts to get better 

  • hello kj25,

                     before l go any please let me qualify my response by stating each and every one of us will have a different response and outcome, so that should be borne in mind.

    In my case my wound around my stoma would not heal, l react badly to things on my body that are present for a few months initially, and thereafter in a matter of days, so no metal,plastics,rubber ect, hence no watches,neck chains,wristbands. So for 14 months l persevered with trying to put new bags onto a bleeding raw site, no way was that staying.

     That my reversal was challenging would be an under statement, the first six months were liquid explosions up to 40 times a day resulting in inflamed bowel lining and bleeding. Over the following four years it slowly came back to civility veering between peaks and troughs. l am now 7 years on with full control ,with occasional flare ups. 

    The reversal op is a piece of cake, what follows would be the issue.

    l would stress that l would be at the worst extreme, many people over the years l have been on this site have had a far easier transition, and despite all my challenges l have never regretted my decision concerning the reversal. You have to be prepared to work hard sometimes to progress to a good outcome, and l would do it all again without hesitation. l feel my outcome was compromised by the longer time between operation and reversal which was dictated by my business being seasonal hospitality based, so l needed to work until the winter came.

    l named my bowel vesuviarse and like all good volcano's it goes back into slumber mode after epic eruptions. It has to live with me, l do no live with it so its questionable who has had the harder time, your mental outlook can make a big difference to these things you encounter in life.

    l hope like me you continue on the path to recovery, and like me you will achieve so much more meaningful achievements with your second chance,


  • Hi KJ25 and thank you for your post.

     I'm sorry to read about your situation. It sounds like you are going through a lot.

    The closure of a stoma  is not as complex as the surgery to create the stoma, but it is still considered a significant operation. The operation involves making a cut around the stoma to detach it from the abdominal wall, then stitching the bowel back together to restore continuity of the bowel.  The joined bowel is then placed back inside the abdominal cavity, followed by stitching the abdominal wall muscles and skin. It is still considered a significant operation.

    Your colorectal specialist nurse will be able to provide you with more information regarding the procedure, including the preparation needed and the expected recovery time.

    I have provided here some information on stoma reversals which you may or may not have seen already, and some supportive communities dedicated to those with stomas. 

    I hope you find this information helpful.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    I hope all goes well with your treatment and surgery.

    Take care,


  • Offline in reply to Gordgrc

    Thank you gor responding, please look after yourself x

  • Thank you for your reply, please look after yourself x

  • Thank you so much for your response.  I will definitely read up about it