Lung Cancer - journey and symptoms

Hi everyone,

My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer back in January at the age of 62. He has a large tumor in his upper left lung, which has caused his voice to become hoarse, and there are small metastases in his pelvis. So far, he’s undergone one round of chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy. The doctors are aiming to get him well enough for immunotherapy, but since starting chemo, he’s been in and out of the hospital with chest infections, nausea, lethargy, and low haemoglobin.

Before all this, he worked full-time as a joiner and was relatively healthy, though he was a heavy smoker for many years. He continued smoking during chemo but has now fully quit. However, he’s lost a significant amount of weight and barely eats anything. His wife is extremely caring, works full-time, and is doing her best to support him, but my dad is quite stubborn and refuses any help outside of what she provides.

I’m reaching out to hear about others' experiences. Did anyone see a turning point in similar situations? Right now, it feels like he’s not getting a real chance to improve enough for active treatment to shrink the tumor. The chemo and radiotherapy didn’t reduce the tumor, but thankfully, nothing has grown or spread further. I’m concerned that he’s mentally exhausted, on the verge of giving up, and possibly severely depressed. Also, due to losing his voice he's finding it hard to properly communicate without getting frustrated.

Any advice, stories, or tips on how to support him would be greatly appreciated. We have a really strong relationship, speak most days and I'm in contact with his specialist nurse. I’m a former ICU nurse, though I’ve been out of practice for over five years, so I have some medical knowledge therefore I can worry that his care isn’t progressing as quickly as it should be, and he feels starting from scratch every time he’s hospitalised. 

Love to connect :-)

  • Dear leepeople and thanks for your post

    You have posted in the ask the nurses section of the forum and whilst anyone is welcome to post here as you are asking for others experiences you may also like to post in a different thread as well as here.

    I am very sorry to hear about your dad's situation, this must be a difficult time for everyone involved.

    Every patient is different as I am sure you are aware as your own experience of having been a nurse yourself. It is often difficult to compare 2 patients as their general health as well as the type and extent and behaviour of the cancer will be different.

    Whilst the chemo/radiotherapy hasn't shrunk the tumours it is good it seems to have stabilised it for now. It is important that patients are fit and strong enough for particular types of treatment such as immunotherapy in order to be able to tolerate the treatment. As I am sure you are aware treatment can cause side effects and if the patient doesn't have the best performance status at the start point the treatment could cause more harm than good.

    It sounds like you and your dad's wife are both trying all you can to support him but it can be tough and often professional help and support services are also needed at these times. I suggest trying and talking to your dad about this again, how you are concerned for him and how you feel that he may benefit from some help.

    I am not sure if you are aware of the cancer care map but on this website you can search up by postcode local cancer support services and charities close to where your dad lives.

    We also have a section of information on our website called supporting someone with cancer so it may be useful to take a look at this too.

    I hope this helps and that you hear from some other forum users soon.

    Please get back if you need to or if you would prefer to talk over the phone we're here weekdays 9-5 on 0800 808 4040.

    Best wishes
