Lung cancer

We have just found out my husband has terminal lung cancer so confused as it’s secondary cancer from a previous one 5 years ago !

im confused as he took part in a clinical trial having blood tests every 6 months which all came back clear even the last one 5 weeks ago 

the test they sent him for was for the end of the trial as he had been 5 years clear we were all so happy until he got a call to come in for a biopsy ,that’s when our lives crumbled 

  • Hello Wazbaby and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and I can understand how hard this must be for you all.

    I do think that it is best to sit down with the team involved in your husband's care to find out more. I am not sure which trial he was on and the six monthly blood tests that he was having but do try and ask your husband's team.

    Moving forward I am not sure whether your husband has now been offered further treatment to help control the cancer and what his next steps are and also to know what support is available.

    I am not sure if your husband is having any symptoms and if he is, it is important to make his team aware.

    It may also be helpful to make an appointment to see the GP. As well as supporting your husband you need to make sure that you are looking after yourself.

    I can imagine that there is so much to take in and process.

    If you would like to ring and chat this through with one of the helpline nurses then you are very welcome to do so.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
