Referral urgent

Hello If your symptoms get worse can a gp make the urgent refferal immediate or very urgent? I'm worried about imflamtory breast cancer.  I'm still waiting for this urgent refferal.  Please help as my anxiety is horrendous.  If yes what do I need to do 

  • Hi Bear and thank you for your further postings,

    I am sorry to learn that your anxiety is particularly bad at the moment this must be so difficult to manage.

    I can see from reading the other posts that your appointment is today. As Jolamine has said the doctors will decide what tests are needed and how much of the breast will be tested when they see you in the clinic and examine you, so hopefully you will have had the opportunity to discuss it all with them.

    If, when you have been to the clinic you would like to discuss anything with our nurses, you are welcome to call the helpline on 0808 800 4040, we are here until 5pm and will be back on Monday at 9am.

    I hope you get answers and are reassured at your appointment.

    Take care Bear, all the best
