
My husband Mark started his Radiotherapy 5 session a week for 4 weeks 

Due to the bank holiday he should have had his treatment today but unfortunately there was a problem with the machine 

so he was sent away and will return tomorrow

it will have been 5 days without Radiation treatment he as 7 sessions left to have 

my concerns are he as been left to long 

please can you advise me 

  • Sessions often have to be cancelled. One of mine was due to the monthly maintenance of the machine. An extra session was added to the following week. I would not worry as he seems to have had plenty of weekly appointments already. I too had 20, five per week except during one week it was four and the missing one was added to the beginning of the fifth week

    Where it was thought essential for complete continuity, some people at my centre were sent to another hospital 35 miles away.. I presume your husband's radiologist must have thought the wait would be all right but if you are anxious you can always phone his team.

  • Offline in reply to afd

    Thanks for your advice

    I was just concerned the length of time from the Friday until the following Wednesday I am sure that there will have to add another one on at the end 

  • Dear Magna thank you for your post,

    I can appreciate your concern however with radiotherapy there is often a delay because the machines need to be serviced and sometimes fixed, it is essential that they are safe to give treatment.

    I have looked to see if there has been research into this and what it could mean for the patient.  However, I am afraid there is nothing that can reliably tell us if this will affect anyone's survival. 

    Do ask your husband, if he is concerned, to talk about this with his radiotherapy team when he is next treated. They will hopefully be able to provide more information that could help.  

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
