Small firm lump

I had stage 1/2 ER positive breast cancer in my left breast 18 months ago. I had lumpectomy and radiotherapy and have been taking Tanoxifen since, my lymph nodes were clear. My genetic testing for a return was a low score. I am 49. I have just found a small hard lump in my right breast just below the aerola. It is quite deep so I can’t tell if it’s fixed or mobile but possibly some movement. It is very firm though. I’m really scared and wondered if the breast cancer may have come on that side? 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to hear about the breast lump and the worry it is causing you, but I am afraid that we are not able to tell you what is the matter.

    There can be various explanations for it, and not necessarily cancer. But it is sensible to go to your GP and get assessed, and they can advise further. They may suggest a mammogram, if they want further information. 

    I hope you manage to get your concerns sorted soon. 

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Yours sincerely,
