A very worried and concerned son with Aspergers, fretting yet again so help please for some reassurance.

I have just had a camera investigation due to soreness and pain in the vagina,  my GP took a swab test which has returned as Normal, no infection Bacterial Cluture No genito-urinary pathogens isolated.  

Having had the camera test done which showed no abnormalities inside the vagina,  and absolutely no other symptoms ,no bleeding at all from the vagina, how on earth do I now convince my son who googles everything that Mum is ok. 

I have been prescribed estriol cream insertion for 4 weeks and then reduce to 2 weeks for the soreness. am also on Nitrofuratnoin antibiotic 50mg at night for uti prevention. 

My son is so convinced that in spite of all this I have cancer.  My husband being recently diagnosed with prostrate cancer and receiving treatment is not helping this matter. 

I would appreciate any support I can give my son. 

thank you 

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    I can appreciate the concern you have for your son.  

    I can see that because you had some worrying symptoms but also your husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer this is playing on your son's mind. That would be natural for anyone to be worried about.

    However, I would encourage your son to seek help if he is feeling overwhelmed with what has happened.  If despite reassuring him that no doctor is concerned that you have cancer then he might need support. However, he may also need some time to fully appreciate the situation. So, you may just need to see how it goes with him. 

    If however, if you are worried about him then you could ask him to get help or you could get help yourself so you can support him. Looking at what support is out there will be helpful, for example, the NHS has information about the support available to people with autism and the information about Asperger's - getting support from the National Autistic Society may be helpful.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
