Unsure Should I get checked

I have a mark on side of breast what I thought was becoming a boil but never did. Have had it about 3/4 weeks now has got bigger   it’s red with a darker red part and  dry. I have an indent underneath side of breast too that I did have checked years ago. Can’t seem to find any lumps but lymph nodes behind ears are really tender 

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about some changes you have noticed on and around your breast. Unfortunately no one here can say what these may be caused by and it is best to see your GP.

    They can properly assess you and if needed refer you for further assessment and tests if needed.

    Most of the time symptoms are caused by something other than cancer but when things are ongoing or getting worse they should be checked out, just to be on the safe side.

    Make an appointment when you can.

    Best wishes
