Wife has been diagnosed with TNBC, stage 1 grade 2, is this considered a terminal cancer, my wife didn’t want me to ask oncologist but I feel this is something I need to know for myself and to try and plan for the future. The surgeon who removed limp confirmed it is treatable and curable but my wife was really upset at the time and although I’m sure they were speaking the truth I can’t help but wonder if this was more due my wife being underatandibly upset. I was advised to not google this so I haven’t so hoping I can get some guidance here, I know there are no guarantees but was hoping to find out if this is general a terminal cancer and if not what are the current survival rates for this. 

many thanks  

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your wife's situation and appreciate the worry a cancer diagnosis can be.

    It is only the specialist team involved in a patients care can comment about what treatment will aim to achieve and what the short and long term may look like for them.

    Having said that it seems that your wife's surgeon said that her cancer was treatable and curable which would be fitting for a stage 1 breast cancer diagnosis, where the cancer is localised to the breast.

    Whilst it is advisable to be cautious about what you search up on google to prevent looking up incorrect or irrelevant information there is a place for online information. We have a section about TNBC Triple Negative Breast Cancer as well as stages and grades of breast cancer that I think may be useful to read to give a better understanding of this diagnosis. 

    Every cancer is different in terms of type, stage and grade and in the way it behaves. Early stage cancers are much easier to treat and the majority of women with a diagnosis similar to your wife has a good chance moving forward. Of course the doctors will be wanting to do all they can to prevent this cancer coming back and will monitor your wife at regular intervals once treatment has finished to make sure she is okay and there are no signs of a cancer recurrence.

    I hope this helps but please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes


  • Many thanks for your reply, it is very much appreciated