Lung cancer ???

I have recently been in hospital with pneumonia, never had it before,  Came on suddenly. 
whilst in hospital had a CT scan :diagnosed with paraseptal  emphysema, cavitating right upper lobe lesion at 51mm maximally. Extensive consolidation in the right upper lobe with additional scattering in the middle lobe. (Words from discharge letter ) didn’t have a clue what that all meant ! I’ve been given Trimbow inhaler and other tablets 
Needed a repeat CT scan and a referral to respiratory clinic. 
2 months later had a repeat CT Scan. 
Started looking on the internet to find that this could be cancer due to the size of the lesion. 

anyone give me any idea what happens next ?? 

  • Hello Loopy-Lynn 123 and thanks for your post,

    I would get in touch with the respiratory team for more information. I would also stay off the internet as it is so general and will not relate to your situation.

    It is difficult for the nurses to be too specific without all your information but if they thought you had a suspected cancer diagnosis I am sure that they would have discussed this with you.

    The other thing that you can do is to go and discuss this with your GP. The hospital would have written with all the information about the different tests that have been performed and what your follow up should be.

    I do hope that you find out more information soon.

    Even though it is supportive hearing from other members of the forum it is probably better to get the information from your doctors.

    You are welcome to ring and chat any of this through with one of the helpline nurses. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
