Stomach cancer?

I suffer from acid reflux and have been for years, just over a month ago I started to have serve pain in my chest so I took 20mg Omprezole but the symptoms kept getting worst.

2 weeks ago I had an extremely painful throat and especially when i swallowed, and then 3 days later had a fever and felt hot when it subsided I still felt my throat burning and chest pain from the reflux and a few days later developed a lump in my gland. I went to the doctor who told me to stop the PPIs and gave me a plastic container to do the h.pylori test but only after 2 weeks as I had been on PPIs.

(Note, I had a endoscopy done 5 and a half years ago and they only found a Hiatal hernia, they tested me for h.pylori and i was negative back then.)

Within the next few days the lump in my gland started to get bigger and my symptoms were getting worst, decrease in appetite, lightheaded, weakness.

I went to A&E and the doctor was not very helpful and said there is not much they can do but she thinks i have 2 separate issue an infection and acid reflux, she did a blood test to which she saw my Neutrophils level slightly higher than normal and prescribed my with co-amoxiclav for a week, my lightheadedness went after a day but still have all the other symptoms.

Please note, I have cut coffee, fried food, spice, pretty much everything and am drinking ginger and aloevera everyday but no improvement.

Can you please help? 

  • Hello Lilybluerose and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about the symptom you are having and the worry they are causing you. Unfortunately, there is no one here who can diagnose you or tell you what might be causing these for you.

    As I am sure you are aware symptoms can be caused by lots of different things and in most cases won't be cancer. It is always best to see your doctor when these are ongoing just to be on the safe side.

    Doctors are trained to assess people and then arrange the most suitable tests to hopefully give some answers. Sometimes it can take time and it can be a process of elimination as they run different tests. It is usual for GPS to check for h pylori when someone has ongoing reflux just to make sure this isn't the cause that needs treating. I understand you tested negative some years ago for your doctor is probably wanting to rule this out before arranging further investigations.

    From your hospital visit, it seems the doctor thought you also had an infection causing some of your symptoms and as a result your lymph node was enlarged, if since stopping the antibiotics you remain the same let your doctor also know about this.

    It sounds like you need to arrange an appointment with your GP when you can talk this through, including letting them know what you are most concerned about.

    I hope you can get some answers soon and start to feel better about yourself

    Take care
