Nightmare- what do I do.

Hello, my journey into this nightmare started when i  recently had blood test done that had a reading of 57 on the se ca 125 level, with also high ESR 104.

My ESR has been increasing over the last 6 months with no other symptoms apart from tiredness. However the last blood test was the 1st time they did the Se sc 125 level test.

Had a CT a few month ago for something else but the scan showed a lot of gas so was inconclusive. Today had both an ultrasound and Transvaginal scan but again gas was in the way so nurse couldn't get a good look. She did say that what she could see looked ok but was hard to see due to gas. She said she could see cysts but apparently they are normal from childbirth and from smear tests (is that true?)

I've always had heavy periods with period pain but recently noticed the most severe pain is on the right lower area. However no pain after the 1st few days of period. 

Have a doc app on Tues but feel they will just say can't tell me anything, which I feel is going to prolong my nightmare.

I'm now also so paranoid of every little twing or ache sets me on rushing to the Internet. I've seemed to have lost my appetite but not sure if this is due to a symptom or me just stressing out. I feel if I eat i am full within a few bites. Obviously this has had an affect on weight but again not sure if its a proper symptom or not. How can i tell? 

Has anyone has increasing ESR, a level of 57 on the se sc 125 test and found they didn't have cancer? If its not cancer I've decided that I'm having everything out!  I'm 42 have 2 young kids and never want to go through this wa and worry. Can i ask the doctor to do this regardless of the outcome. If it is cancer i want everything out ASAP. Can I ask for this or do they have to follow other steps?

How long would I have to wait for surgery?

  • Hello Mitsoi and thank you for coming back to us.

    I am sorry that you are feeling worried about recent tests and the symptoms that you are getting.

    It is difficult for me to say what might be happening to you as many different things can cause the symptoms and test results that you have, and most are not linked to cancer.

    A CA125 test looks for inflammation in a woman's pelvic area. A rise in this can be due to ovarian cysts or endometriosis, both of which are not related to cancer, as well as other gynaecological issues

    ESR looks at inflammation in the body, again there are many reasons to be raised, not just cancer.

    Once you have had all the tests that the doctors have organised, and you have talked through your symptoms, they hopefully will be able to give you an idea of what may be causing these pains and heavy periods. They can then discuss with you what they feel may help.

    It is not possible to request a hysterectomy when there is no clinical reason to have one. But do talk through your worries and concerns with the doctor involved in your care.

    Take care and hopefully you will get more information soon. If you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.
