Bowel problems following treatment

After chemo then radiotherapy then Papillon treatment I find my self  three years later with serious  bowel problems which restrict my everyday living. I take inmodium but it does not seem to help much. Is there any dietary regime that might help ? 

  • Hi Reekie1234,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. This reply is just to let you know that we have moved your post to "Ask the Nurses" as one of our nurses should be able to provide some advice to help you.

    They will be back on Tuesday after the bank holiday. In the meantime your post is still visible to others on the forum in case anyone else has advice to offer.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello there and thanks for your post

    I am sorry to hear about the ongoing side effects you are experiencing to your bowels, I can appreciate how debilitating this must be for you.

    We have some general information about long term bowel changes after treatment including a change in bowel habit on our website. This does cover some advice about monitoring your diet to see if there are particular foods or groups of foods that make this worse for you. Also carrying out daily pelvic floor exercises can help to control bowel movements.

    I understand you asking about following a particular diet however often what works for one patient can look very different for someone else and often it is a trial and error situation.

    There is the world cancer research fund cancer and nutrition helpline that has dieticians available at certain days and times of the week. You may wish to consider contacting them for advice.

    I hope this helps and that you can regain some more control that in turn improves your everyday.

    Take care
