Cancer results

I recently had a mole removed that was suspected melanoma.  The results went back to the consultant last Monday they had a meeting yesterday and my appointment has been brought forward to a week on Wednesday to discuss what happens next.  Does this mean that the result is positive or could it still be negative and can they’re not tell me as I’m at my wits end with worry.  I just don’t know what to do with myself 

  • Hello, and thank you for posting.

    Unfortunately, I do not know why the appointment has changed. It could be something as simple as just changing when the clinic is happening due to the bank holiday and not to do with your results.

    Until you get to your appointment no one is going to be able to say what they may have discussed about you at the meeting. But I appreciate this is frustrating. Waiting for results can be very hard and it is only keeping yourself distracted between now and then that might help and time pass quicker.

    Take care and I hope you find out what's happening soon. If you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • Thank you for coming back to me.  I’m supposed to be going on holiday abroad for a month mid September and my GP has contacted the hospital about this so it could be one reason but the secretaries said that they could move forward the original appointment if they needed to once they knew the results.  I just wish they would just tell me so I knew one way or the other as I’m expecting the worst at the moment.  Thank you for your help.