Help to prevent my uncle becoming homeless

Hi my uncle who is 70 years of age has recently been diagnosed with a malignant tumor on the lung ? As well as chronic COPD . He recently split from his long term partner approximately 6 months ago and has been staying at my mum's house ( his sister ) on the settee as their is no bedroom available for him in the property . My is 79 years of age and also suffers with ongoing long term medical conditions the situation is not ideal for either of them and it is having a massive impact on both their health and wellbeing creating other issues such as stress and anxiety they have no help or support in place they have been trying to sort his housing status out with no luck as neither of them can use internet he is also registered deaf and neither of them can store or register information if not given by form of direct communication ( face to face ) we have now managed to register him onto property pool plus as advised by the council with the support of a duty solicitor and a support worker from better we have provided all relevant info that was requested .

After hearing nothing back after the application was made for property pool we were told this was necessary in order to apply for housing under the extra care support scheme through the council after some digging we finally logged on to property pool to check status of the application only find he has been placed into band b ( non urgent) ? And the application for the extra support scheme was declined meaning he is not eligible for supported accommodation or other suitable properties that suit his needs. No body who was involved in the process of his  application or in the decision making of the application has been in touch to assist further or to update on the current outcome. Social worker involved has advised me she handed the case over to another department but can not give me contact details as she has closed her part of the case .

We are desperately looking for advice and assistance and have no knowledge of who or were to obtain some support asap before this terrible situation and lack of support from authority such as the council takes it's toll on either one of them and it's to late I'm sorry if I sound dramatic but it's hard to describe any other way any help or signpost to go would be much appreciated thanks in advance 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about your uncle's situation. I imagine this must be a very tough time for you all.

    I'm afraid we can't be of much help because we are mainly a research charity and don't play any part in arranging accommodation. A national charity called Shelter might be able to help or advise you on finding accommodation for your uncle. You may find this information on their website helpful. 

    The charity Advice Now also gives advice on housing matters. Your local Citizen's Advice may also be able to advise you further.  

    Cancer Care Map also supports people with cancer by finding cancer support organisations in their area. This includes support for practical concerns.

    I wonder if your uncle has  a Macmillan nurse involved in his care, his GP or hospital team would need to refer him. Their area of expertise is in the management of cancer symptoms, such as pain and they provide emotional support to the patient and family.

    At the hospital he should have access to a lung specialist nurse who will give him advice on his condition and how it will be managed.

    I hope this reply helps a little. Please get back to us if you need any other information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
