Painful mole with no visual changes. Worried about melanoma

I‘ve had lots of moles my whole life, one on my upper left shoulder being the largest and the only raised one. Two years ago it became tender and itchy, no visual changes. I had it checked under a dermatoscope by my GP - she wasn’t concerned but as a precaution I was sent to dermatology, had professional photos taken in the lab, and told to go back if it changes at all. Two years on, it has become painful again (more so than last time) and occasionally itchy. It’s particularly painful when I’m sleeping on it at night, or if it rubs against any clothing. I’m constantly aware of its presence. Dr checked it again under the dermatoscope and she said it hasn’t changed at all in two years - she compared the photos, but she’s still referring me to derm for a second opinion. So I’m in the waiting stage. My worry is that the wait is over a month with the NHS. I’ve tried to go private, and their waiting list is just as long (I’ve tried three different hospitals). Is it safe for me to be waiting so long when I’m having daily pain? Can melanoma / skin cancer present as pain only with no visual changes to be seen even under the dermatoscope? TIA 

  • To add - I’m 33f, pale skin and have had the pain for over a month. 

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you are having to wait to be seen in dermatology.

    Unfortunately no one here can say if this mole is anything to worry about or not and it is only the dermatologist who can properly assess you as to what may be going on.

    In some ways it is reassuring that there doesn't appear to be any visible changes to it's appearance since the last time it was looked at a couple of years ago.

    I'm afraid there is no way of speeding up the referral process, as you say there are waiting lists to be seen in both the NHS and private healthcare systems, which doesn't help when someone is anxious about symptoms.

    I hope you know more soon and that you can be given some peace of mind about this.

    Best wishes
