High ESR and Se CA 125 level of 57- help!


I have recently received my bloods back which for the 1st time they checked for Se CA 125 levels which my came back at 57. I also have ESR level of 104. I am booked to see doc next week and they are going to book an ultrasound scan (no date yet tho)

At my doc appointment what questions should I be asking and timescale of treatment. What should I be pushing for? My head is all over the place as just can't stop the C word going round and round.

The doc says it might not be C but obviously I've gone down the negative route of the worst case and feel I'm in uncharted waters and will not be able to ask the questions that i need to. So want to go in with a list of relevant questions.

I am 42 years old woman with 2 kids and am petrified.


  • Hello Mitsoi and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are currently awaiting some further tests after some blood test results came back abnormal. This must be a worrying time for you but as your doctor has said there could be a number of reasons for this, not all being cancer.

    A raised ca125 is usually linked to inflammation in the pelvic region this can be linked to ovarian cancer but other gynaecological conditions such as ovarian cysts, fibroids and so on can also cause this level to be raised. Likewise a raised ESR also detects inflammation that can also be linked to an array of different conditions, not all cancer.

    We can't say how quickly you will have the ultrasound carried out but if something more serious like a cancer needs to be ruled out then a suspected cancer referral isn't unusual. This is when someone is referred under the quickest pathway where tests should be carried out fairly quickly, ideally within 2 weeks but with NHS delays this can sometimes be longer.

    Until you have the ultrasound and find out more no one can say what may be going on. This is always unsettling but try not to let your mind run away with itself if you can. Most people put on the suspected cancer pathway won't go on to be diagnosed with cancer and remember ovarian cancer is more common in older women who have already been through the menopause.

    When you speak with your doctor I think it would be good to ask which referral pathway you have been put on to get an understanding of how soon you will be seen. Also ask if there is any other tests they would like to run and what else may need to happen next.

    Do let your doctor know what you are most concerned about but as I say until you have had more tests done they are unlikely to be able to tell you much more.

    I hope you know more very soon and that everything turns out okay for you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best to you


  • Hi, thank you so much for your kind words, just needed that. Its so hard as its the last thing i think of and 1st thing when i wake up is the C word and implications. How can i try to be "normal" and even for a few hours forget about this. I've tried to distract  myself but it doesn't seem to work- trying to hard which makes it all the more overwhelming.