Found a lump


i found a lump just inside my back passage, it is relatively new, I only had my diverticulitis checked and a polyp removed 2 months ago, but I’m on dihydracodeine a lot so it tends to block me up, so on the odd occasion poo gets stuck which it did tonight. That’s when I found the lump. I know I should go to the doctors but I’m quite scared.

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can appreciate your concern, but it isn't likely to be anything serious, given your recent examination of the bowel.

    It could well be a haemorrhoids (pile). This is more likely if you are having hard stools and constipation. Try and increase your oral fluids, and fresh vegetables intake to help. The NHS Website has information about this.

    If you are worried, then do ask your GP to examine you, and they can hopefully reassure you.

    Best wishes,
