
I had a gastroscopy on the 12th August, here is what it says on the report 

Reflux Oesophagitis grade A

Urease test negative

4 biopsies taken of region Duodenum

2 biopsies taken of OG junction

WHO grade 0

irregular z line

my consultant is on leave until the 2nd September so I can’t get the results of my biopsy until then.  I has a ct scan also but again have to await results 

would it be possible to try to explain what this report means please

thank you so much

  • Just because the consultant is on leave does not mean you have to wait. I've been in this position. Talk to the medical secretary for this consultant. Be firm and ask for another doctor to explain their findings.

  • Hi Gill, thank you for your reply.

     have rang the hospital up and they tell me due to the medical insurance ( I am a private patient) no one else apart from the consultant is able to give me the results.  I have been in touch with the health insurance provider and they changed my consultant for a second opinion but it turns out he is on leave also.  

  • Ah. The perils of private health care. Been there too. I think I'd get a bit shouty. You're paying.  Yore entitled to your info. 3rd opinion?

  • Yes Gill I think you’re right about being shouty.  I’m not very good at shouty so I think I’ll put my husband on the case.  Thank you  

  • Hello Paulahjean and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear you are awaiting test results and appreciate the worry this can bring.

    As nurses we can't interpret test reports therefore it is best to wait to speak with your consultant to find out more. Waiting isn't easy but it is more important that you get the whole picture about what may be going on including the biopsy and scan results. Rather than speculate what could or couldn't be seen during the gastroscopy.

    Try and keep yourself and your mind busy with other things to help pass the time.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best
