Medical assessment to determine treatment levels


My mother was assessed forchemotherapy treatment a few weeks ago and was told she wasn't strong enough for full treatment so they would give a 50% one-off dose to see how she gets on with it. She was very weak and frail at that point -  was admitted with low sodium (at 102) and was in hospital for 3 weeks. Since getting home 2 weeks ago she has really bounced back, has gained weight and is much stronger, like her normal self. The chemo treatment was yesterday, and even the doctor who initially assessed her for treatment said she was much stronger and had gained weight since he saw her. But her next treatment is 3 weeks away, which is the plan put in place when she was first assessed in her very weak state.

I was wondering since she is so strong now when compared to her assessment day, would that not merit a reassessment and possibly more chemo sessions sooner, like chemo cycles appear to be in most cases? She was so frail 3 weeks ago that they said if she can't take the treatment she likely has 6 weeks to live, so I don't want to leave it 3 weeks for her next appointment before checking this out.

I have contacted her medical team but no answer, so have just left a message for callback. But any input/advice here would be great.

Thank you,


  • Hi J and thank you for your post.

    I am sorry to hear about your mum’s situation and appreciate what a difficult time this must be for all the family. 

    Unfortunately, as we are not part of your mum’s medical team, we aren't able to offer a medical opinion on her situation.

    There are different  chemotherapy regimes   depending on the type of cancer. Most regimens occur every three weeks, while others are shorter or longer.

    If your mother's chemotherapy schedule is not typically every three weeks, her medical team may want to monitor her response to the treatment before considering an adjustment. She will be reassessed before each cycle.

    I would advise that you wait for the call back from her hospital team for further advice.  

    I hope the team call you back soon and you find the information you need.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
