Colposcopy Biopsy

 I had hpv show on my smear just over a year ago, I went for a colposcopy and was told I was ok and to have a smear 12 months later. I had the smear in July this year and the hpv was still present but the smear results were improved from the previous one, so I went for another colposcopy feeling ok and not worrying. When I got there the Dr said my smear results were improved and she expected to see an improvement. Unfortunately she found white areas and said that the result is actually worse than a year ago. She took 3 biopsies. 5 weeks have passed and I still don’t have my results, Apparently everyone’s results are delayed due to a back log in the lab. As you can imagine I’m worried sick. At the weekend I had blood stains in my underwear and I have a watery discharge. I am sending myself mad with worry and just wondered if anyone else has had a long wait for their results

  • No I haven’t had to wait that long I would phone the gynaecology department at the hospital you had your colposcopy 

  • Offline in reply to Mookie

    I have rung several times and they just say there is a delay at the lab and to ring again in a couple of days . I should be getting a call from a colposcopy nurse today as when I called yesterday about my results I told them about a couple of new things that have begun.

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry you are feeling so worried about waiting for your biopsy results.

    It's understandable to feel anxious, Unfortunately, there is an NHS backlog causing delays in processing laboratory results. I'm afraid we cannot tell you exactly how long you will have to wait to get them as there will be some regional variations in different NHS Trusts. But, if you don't hear anything by next week, then do ask your GP to enquire, or ring the colposcopy unit for an update.

    As you know during a colposcopy the doctor takes a closer look at the cervix. White areas can sometimes show abnormal cells which is why biopsies were taken to check these more thoroughly.

    Cervical screening is really all about prevention, the idea is to pick up abnormal cells, further assess them and treat when needed to prevent the possibility of cancer developing in the future.

    The blood stains and watery discharge you are experiencing could be hormone related or indicate a possible infection. Keep an eyes on this and If it still keeps happening it's best to get checked out by your doctor.

    I know it's easier said than done but try and sit tight for now until you know more. Keeping yourself busy and your mind on other things can also sometimes help.

    I hope you hear something soon. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Thank you for your reply, it’s helped a bit. I’m trying to keep busy and not think about it, I have called the unit but the results still aren’t back, my gp is going to see if he can find anything out but he doubts it because of the delays.