Dad passed away today

My dad passed away today and I can't believe he's gone. He was suffering with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and had spent around 22 weeks in hospital over 3 stays since October last year. Last Wednesday we were told there was nothing they could do for him anymore as treatments had stopped working and it was just about making him comfortable. Although it was to be expected and we were told he only had days or weeks left it still doesn't feel real. He passed away today and I'm devastated and scared for the future. I'm not sure how I am going to cope. As recent as March he was very healthy and seemed to have beaten it but everything escalated so quickly from around April. Being with him when he died today was a blessing and a curse. I'm glad I was there when he went but it was distressing to see his final moments as his breathing slowed down. I don't really have any friends or close family so feel a bit isolated at this time.

  • Hello Matt, and thank you for posting.

    I am so sorry to hear that your dad died yesterday, this must be incredibly hard for you.

    At the moment things will feel very raw and overwhelming, and with the speed at which things changed, I'm sure it doesn't feel real.

    There are no right or wrong ways in how we all deal with the loss of someone we love. There are things written about it that you may find helpful so I will send you some links. But mainly it is only time that can help  manage grieving, and that of course can't be changed or hurried.

    Slowly things will become more manageable for you Matt, but if you feel you need support in grieving your dad there is a page on 'after someone dies' that may be useful. The UK government has a resource page too with help and support in bereavement.

    Cruse is a bereavement charity in the UK, with a helpline that may be helpful to you, but if things get difficult for you do also talk to your GP about what has happened.

    Take care Matt, and if you want to talk to any of the nurses on the helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
