Oral Cancer

My husband visits dentist regularly- on last visit they have advised white red patch on roof of mouth and referral made - I have just checked and this has been made as a standard referral even though they mentioned oral cancer - can I go GP and ask for opinion or do I have to wait for this to come through which on asking can be 4 months Thanks in advance

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I think it's perfectly reasonable for your husband to check with the dentist and ask why a standard referral was made and if he needs an urgent referral as oral cancer was mentioned as a possibility.

    Your husband can also speak to his GP about this. They can sometimes help speed up the referral process if they think it's necessary.

    I hope you both know more soon. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • I used to work in a dental environment (wasn't a dentist) for a few years. I would go back to the dentist and ask for a two week referral. When oral cancer is suspected, a 4-month wait is wholly unreasonable. The current waiting lists for oral surgeons etc are horrendous, and even that 4-month wait could easily be a 6 month wait. Yeah, there are guidelines for a reason, and if what you are saying is true, then they're not being followed. I reside in Scotland, so rules could be different, but i suspect when it comes to this, they aren't. He might have to wait around 3 weeks due to the hefty workloads they have, but 3 weeks ain't 4 months.

  • Thanks very much for your response we shall reach out to dentist ad GP thanks  

  • Thanks so much for your response  will reach out to GP