Worried About Rectal Lump

Hello, I went to the GP today as I had been experiencing tail

bone pain and a pressure feeling around my back end for several weeks.  I have always suffered from constipation and small pieces of faeces being stuck in my back passage which I have had checked in the past.

Today I had a rectal examination and my GP said she felt a hard lump and said she was referring me for a bladder scan and an urgent colonoscopy.   Needless to say I am scared to death.   She called later today to say they would not do a colonoscopy until I had done a stool sample test which I have to collect tomorrow.

Why will they not do the colonoscopy until this has been done given the fact she could clearly feel a lump?  I am beside myself with worry and feel this is just delaying any diagnosis.    Also why would I need a bladder scan?  My doctor is not forthcoming with any reassurance or explanation and I am left unable to sleep and worrying.     

initially the GP wanted me to just take paracetamol for the tail bone pain and it was only when I persevered that she did an examination and found the lump.

Any thoughts at all would be appreciated.   

  • Hi Jen, and thank you for posting. 

    I am sorry to hear you have these worries about a lump the doctor found. This must be a stressful time for you.

    The guidelines are that a FIT test is done to look for hidden blood in poo before a person is referred for a colonoscopy, this  helps the doctors to decide if a colonoscopy is needed

    I am afraid I do not know exactly why your GP has also ordered a bladder scan, maybe they also feel this scan is useful from other symptoms that you have.

    Waiting for tests and results can be an incredibly difficult time, and it can be hard to think about anything else. But your GP is following procedure and hopefully you will have the answers soon.

    Take care Jen, and I hope you have some support. 

    If you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9am till 5pm, Monday to Friday.
