
Hello, I’m new here and have always got loads of questions , so hoping I can get some help. 

Firstly, I have arthritis, and bit of Osteoporosis.  Have recently had a lumpectomy, and am due to start radiotherapy soon. I am taking Anastrozole 1mg. I was taking (pre cancer) HRT but only for a year previously. This really helped my joints. I didn’t know how much until I had to stop it, and now the Anastrozole is stripping me of every ounce of Estrogen left (same as everyone). I just want to ask is there something I can take to improve the pain, and help my joints. My Doctor is going to prescribe some Adcal D3 caplets for calcium, but am waiting for a bone density scan first. Can I take Vitamin D alongside the calcium, and what about  Omega 3 and Glucosamine.  The only other drugs I take are Amlodipine 5mg daily, max dose paracetamol, and Codeine but only at night. I did see a herbalist, she suggested loads of stuff, but that’s another message I feel!!  Also what’s the view on collagen, I can’t get anyone to approve of this, because of the “scaffolding” effect. Can anyone help?

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can appreciate your questions. I think it is important to wait until the bone scan results. Your GP can actually prescribe vitamin D as well if needed. You can have a blood test done by your GP to measure your current vitamin D levels. So let them advise you on a calcium/vitamin D supplement. Ask them about your pain and see what they suggest. Joint pains can be helped by yoga, pilates, and distraction therapies. Some people look into complementary therapies such as acupuncture, or aromatherapy to help. 

    There is information on the NHS website about osteoporosis and vitamin D

    Usually Omega 3 and glucosamine are ok to take alongside other medications but let your GP know. Most high street pharmacists can advise about taking supplements with other prescribed medications. We can't really advise you about these. Most supplements are licensed as food supplements, so don't always have in depth data about their effectiveness. Collagen is an example, it is a lot of joint care supplements but doesn't have in depth scientific research to explain or support it's use. Yet people do report an improvement in their symptoms after taking it. The UK organisation versus arthritis have information about collagen.

    Penny Brohn Cancer Care have information around diet supplements and other complementary therapies.

    You might want to post in the general section of Cancer Chat, where other users can see your post and may reply with some tips. 

    I hope this helps, 

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Yours sincerely,


  • Hi Vanda thank you for replying, I have just been talking with one of the lovely ladies on your helpline. 
    I think you are right I'll wait for the bone scan. I think the problem is no one knows exactly what is best overall. Sometimes doctors aren't the most helpful. They are often scrolling on their phones for info or the internet whilst you are there with them!! Pharmacists are a bit better. I just wish I could sit down with someone, I'd happily pay, to get definitive answers. 
    Collagen and black cohosh I believe are a no no. 
    Id like to hear what other members on here take as supplements. The herbalist I saw recommended Devils Claw, Hydrocotie Asiatica, Marigold, Reishi Myshroom, and Horsetail. This was specifically for my pain issues but I can't find anyone to endorse any of these. Or that won't clash with other meds. 
    I will try to get some answers from another GP and pharmacist. Obviously diet, exercise and wellbeing are equally as important. I saw a lady called Liz O'Riordan on YouTube and everyone should have a look at some of her posts. Really interesting. Thank you again Vanda x