GP diagnosis

Dear Nurses

I was recently diagnosed with gastritis via endoscope.  I contacted my GP to ask for help with depression about my gastritis and she sent me for urgent ultrasound.  I then checked my notes online NHS app and she has diagnosed me with Pancreatic cancer.

No examination all by a phone call

I had the ultrasound and its normal apart from 2 gallstones

My anxiety is now in the floor

please help

  • Dear Brenda2 and thanks for the post

    Please try not to over think this until you have spoke to your GP. Unfortunately being able to read your records without speaking to a doctor can cause more worry than help and unfortunately no one here can say what is or isn't going on.

    The ultrasound you had showed gall stones that you can read about on the NHS website. As you can see these can cause similar symptoms to more serious illnesses and may need treating in some cases.

    I hope you can speak with your doctor soon and that they can put your mind at ease.

    Please do get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you Naomi!  I think the worst thing ever to happen at GP's was allowing patients access to their record.  It has inflamed my anxietites.xx

  • Hi Brenda

    It may be that the note on your file was put there in order to get your ultrasound processed under the 2 week suspected cancer pathway.  Otherwise a routine ultrasound can take months.  I dont have access to the nhs app purely for that reason, we can read things on there and take it out of context, and without the knowledge of why the doctor has written it, we scare ourselves silly.  

    I have been down a couple of urgent suspected cancer pathways in the last 12 months, the doctors have had to put ' suspected cancer' on the referral, even though verbally they told me that it was unlikely.  They just want you seen as quickly as possible.

    Give your GP a call, I am sure that they will reassure you.

    All the best


  • So I had a re check of my notes again and the comments have now been removed and tamed down so I think they realised it was scary info and changed it.  Very very awful to out that on a patients visible notes x