12 day after laser surgery vocal cord cancer

I'm 12 days in after my surgery to remove cancer and some healthy tissue vocal cord.

I'm feeling drained,  my temp last week was 37 4 all week my bp was 177 over something ENT and A&E gave me antibiotics and steroids. 

When will I be able to speak ??

My voice has been rested but still low to nothing so I'm silent.....my hubby is deaf and finding it frustrating communicating each other. 

Should my vocal cord be healed now?

Should it still feel throat full phlegm?

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about your situation. It sounds like you have been through a lot. 

    It is difficult for us to answer your questions specifically as we are not involved in your clinical care. Your specialist team are better placed to advise you as they are familiar with all your medical details. If you have a specialist nurse involved in your care then perhaps they can provide you with further information.

    However, it's common for your voice to be very weak or silent in the early weeks following this type of surgery. The healing process can take longer depending on how much tissue was removed. Many people don't get their voice back fully for a few weeks, Your voice may gradually start improving as the swelling goes down and the tissue heals.

    It's not unusual to have some extra mucus during healing especially if there is irritation or inflammation. If it feels excessive ,then do let your healthcare team know about this.

    I hope things improve for you soon. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support. 

    Kind regards,
