Waiting for Dad’s results

Hi I wanted to ask a nurse as I am looking for some clarity 

My dad hasn’t been able to eat properly for a while as he says it hurts. So he had a camera down his throat and they have found a tumour blocking his food pipe. So they have gone further test and are going to let him know the plan (and diagnosis I think) on Monday 

Thing is I can’t stop worrying what the result may be. Having lost my gramp last year to cancer and my dad being a heavy smoker I am worried it could be the worse

Reading online (which I know is bad) looks like stage 1 is unlikely. Stage 2-3 could be a possibility but I am very worried incase he has your cancers in his body 

Is there any research to say with the symptoms he experiences what stage he could possibly be? Doctors said it’s 90% likely to be cancer but they can’t say for sure

I don’t speak to my dad much as he is a quiet person and I don’t want to upset him bringing it up, so just been spiralling in my own head really

Thanks for taking the time to read this 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about your dad's situation. I imagine this is a worrying time for you both.

    Waiting to find out more is very stressful but hopefully today your dad will have a confirmed diagnosis and treatment plan.

    The  stage of a cancer describes its size and if it has spread from where it originally started, The grade  means how abnormal the cells look under the microscope. The stage and grade help the doctor decide what the treatment plan will be.

    Symptoms can have a number of different causes so it's not possible to determine the stage of  a cancer this way. Further tests are needed to confirm a diagnosis.

    I know waiting in circumstances like this is never easy but try and take things one step at a time until you know more.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
