Constipation after 4 years of being free of bowel cancer - can you suggest any remedies?

I had bowel cancer four years ago but now cancer free. I did have a colonoscopy bag for a year. I have been quite constipated lately but am reluctant to take tablets and do not want my bowel going the other way with diarrhoea. Can you suggest a remedy.

  • Hello and thanks for your post. 

    Unfortunately, as a nurse led service, we aren't able to offer a medical opinion on your situation. You do need to ask your GP to review you, and maybe change some medications. Do tell them about your constipation problems. It is important to drink enough fluids daily to reduce constipation, ideally 2 to 3 litres fluid a day and more in hot weather.  You do need to eat small meals regularly. 

    There is some good advice on the NHS Website

    I hope that this reply helps, 

    Best wishes,


  • I'm 9 years bowel cancer free and have issues with constipation . I discovered I'm gluten and lactose intolerant intolerant  and have a rectocele and now apart from avoiding those 2 things I take milk of  magnesia. Maybe worth exploring intolerances as quite common after surgery ?