Medication Change

My partner had a remote prostrate removal 3 weeks ago.He has been doing very well until last night.The GP has changed his cholesterol medication and he started taking them .Last night he had shivers then temperature and chronic pain in his lower tummy area.

we contacted hospital at 8o’clock this morning and Urology dept are meant to be calling him back.So far we haven’t heard from them:I am 99 percent certain that it’s the medication change but he also has terrible problems going to the Loo despite drinking Lacotolose and drinking plenty of water the right foods he still has problems.

can anyone advise me on what else can be done to help he walks has done pelvic exercises everything that has been asked of him he has done.
i don’t mind saying last night l was really really frightened and it’s unbelievable that as someone who is caring for a person cannot get help when it’s needed:
He wouldn’t let me call an ambulance and l really feel that GP’s dish out medication without properly informing people of the side effects rather like he is a Guinea pig.
the previous medication for cholesterol he had none of these problems and as it’s the only thing that has been different l assume this is the cause of this particular setback.

Thank you for letting me vent  Any advice would be gratefully received


  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's recent surgery and the symptoms he is currently experiencing.

    Whilst the symptoms you mention can be linked to taking (statins) as listed on the NHS webpages, in light of his recent operation it is best he is assessed by a doctor to make sure everything is ok.

    Unfortunately all medications have possible side effects but most people who take statins are okay with them and as your husband has been on a different type the doctor may just have assumed these would be okay too.

    As I say there could be a number of reasons for your husband to suddenly become unwell so it is impossible to say what the cause is until he is properly assessed and other causes ruled out.

    I hope he is able to speak to a doctor and that he starts to feel better very soon.

    In an emergency please do call NHS111 for advice.

    All the best


  • Hi Naomi

    Thank you finally at 12 o’clock today we were contacted by the urology team.The downside was that they requested we attend the clinic before 2pm

    so after a mad rush getting ready a cab and a train ride we did get there we had another couple of hours wait and my poor husband was really poorly .I am afraid l had to insist that a doctor attend as he had a very high temperature and yet was shivering.

    Finally he was seen and has been re admitted since they believe he has an infection l was truly shocked as he had been doing so well.I am still none the wiser as to how this “infection “ has happened only that once seen and examined there was a great urgency in getting him a bed.

    He is on a drip of broad spectrum antibiotics,he has had numerous scans and worse for him they want to put in another catheter which he is really really unhappy about understandable.

    The doctor seems to think that this infection is around the operation site not as you say medication.We are very upset as prior to this operation he had no symptoms at all.
    only a wellman check flagged up when they did the blood test.Its particularly upsetting for my husband who prior to this was caring for his Mother who has terminal cancer and attends hospital for immunotherapy treatments.

    you just think WHY? and Why now when he already had more than enough to deal with.

    The distress l have seen today for us as a family and whilst u can get support via telephone this stuff always happens when there are no lines.available

    111 is a list of questions and 999 is pot luck how long it takes them to respond I have to say most of the information around my husbands condition is via reading the teems of paperwork or reading via the internet.

    Thank you for taking the time for us it is much appreciated


  • Hello Bartholomew and thank you for getting back to us again,

    I am sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time getting through to someone at the hospital.

    What a lot you have on your plate at the moment. I do hope that you are also looking after yourself during this stressful time.

    I do hope that the hospital can now make your husband more comfortable and that they can get on top of his infection with the antibiotics.

    If any of you would like to chat to one of the information nurses then you are very welcome to give us a call.

    Our helpline number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Hi 
    Thank you for your concern,yes my husband was re admitted but l am afraid he is far from comfortable

    evidently one of the tubes cut to remove the prostrate the repair wasn’t secure and so for sometime urine has been leaking into his pelvic area this is awful and this infection has really got into his system.

    i really think that leaving hospital a day after this surgery with a bag of catheters a couple of pads and an envelope with what happens next.We reported that my husband was suffering abdominal pain and when we attended the catheter removal appointment we had taken photographs of his catheter full up with quite a lot of blood.Overnight before the removal the urine was clear but within minutes of getting up it was bleeding again.

    we showed the nurse the photographs she was totally blasé said that’s not very good but completely unconcerned about the pains around his pelvic area which we believed was because of the surgery,

    up until Wednesday evening he was fine and at midnight he was poorly,

    He is now on a drip with antibiotics has had scans to find out that the repair hasn’t worked he is very poorly immediately the dose wears off the infection is taking hold again.He has also had a catheter put back in and it was very very painful he hated the catheter now he has to have this in for 3 weeks minimum.For however long it takes to treat the infection he then has to see the team to have another operation to repair the tube.

    I am incredulous at the fact no district nurse GP or team member contacts the patient to check physically this is not only a big operation both physical and mental for any man to deal with let alone what we have endured recently.

    With respect this is his manhood his dignity and as he had no problems symptoms this is the only operation he has had that has truly made him ill.I am so proud of how he has coped he has had heart problems very very serious back operations and never have l seen him like he is at the moment. Quite frankly he is broken and seriously struggling to deal with this.

    I feel so guilty because he declared that before he had this operation he was not sure he would have it he said he had a really bad feeling about it.And l said he was understandably frightened and once it’s done u can move forward hopefully with no more cancer.HE WASNT WRONG WAS HE? 

    Add to this that when you ask a question like “How has this happened”? You are ignored or pacified well let’s get a scan let’s do antibiotic.And l got the distinct impression that the Doctor who examined my husband was very concerned because her manner went from very polite to l need a bed for this patient and l want it ready now. Whilst on the phone to a colleague 

    when my Mother-in-law has been admitted due to various illness that go with terminal cancer she has been in a chair for 14 hours before a bed could be found. In an A and E department full of drunks criminals in handcuffs People abusing screaming at everyone.This is a 87 year old lady dreadful you would never believe you were in a hospital it’s more like a war zone.

    l don’t think it’s at all unreasonable to have an appointment with the consultant who can tell us why this has happened

    I have every intention of getting some facts we need to know why and how this has happened and upon that information we will decide what if any is the best choice for us.

    A lot of people ask how l am coping Anger sheer anger and love for my husband is the answer.

    Thank you for your concern but this isn’t going away and he won’t be right for a bit of time yet.
